Student Support and Preparation for College and Careers!
Student Support and Preparation for College and Careers!
With SOAR, college and career success is easily achievable! Using accumulated data from many university-student professionals, such as admissions officers and professors, we have collected information to give simple yet effective advice for all high school and college stages.
‘General Tips’
Advice from university students consisting of
what you should take note of during high
school, when applying to universities, and during
your undergraduate years. Select the button to the right.
‘Recommended Timeline’
These four pages display top schools’ (ideal)
expectations for every month of every school year
of high school, with options from freshman to senior year
that you can try to follow. Select the button to the left.
SOAR representatives provide sample documents
that you can make your own. These documents
range from recommendation letter requests
to resume templates. Select the button to the right.